God's Servant Job: A Poem with a Promise
God's Servant Job: A Poem with a Promise
Douglas Bond

This poetic story explores the complex themes found in the book of Job. This book reveals that Jesus is the Redeemer kids can find hope and comfort in, no matter what.


Hold Fast in a Broken World: Fathers and Sons Volume 2 (Fathers & Sons)
Hold Fast in a Broken World: Fathers and Sons Volume 2 (Fathers & Sons)
Douglas Bond

"Hold Fast" looks at a year of close fellowship between father and son and alerts young men to dangers they may face growing up.


Mighty Weakness of John Knox, The
Mighty Weakness of John Knox, The
Douglas Bond

John Knox is an inspiring example of what God can do with one who submits himself to the Lord and finds his hope in Him.


Stand Fast in the Way of Truth: Fathers and Sons Volume 1
Stand Fast in the Way of Truth: Fathers and Sons Volume 1
Douglas Bond

A study for fathers and teenage sons about what it means to be a man.
